displaced children and peasants victims of the conflict in Colombia
displaced children and peasants victims of the conflict in Colombia
displaced children and peasants victims of the conflict in Colombia
Fundación Formemos is a non-profit entity whose corporate purpose is to provide an integral and preventive education to youngsters, farmers and displaced who form part of our vulnerable population.
$39,217,335 to reach the goal
The complex situation we are going through, forced us to make a very difficult decision: return the 150 children we serve to their homes.
Today we have 100 families without food security for them and for the children who were in the foundation.
So in partnership with D1, we are delivering markets for 15 days, so that these families can also stay at home.
Carrera 73 B # 81 - 23
(57) 315 763 9942
(601) 379 6734
Bogotá, Colombia